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“Each of us believes himself to live directly within the world that surrounds him, to sense its objects and events precisely, and to live in real and current time. I assert these are perceptual illusions. Sensation is an abstraction, not a replication of the real world.” Vernon Mountcastle

Quote from YouTube Video: Kavli Prize Laureate Lecture – The Restless Brain

TM-B Speech, Uplift the Spirit from Specialty Speeches manual (5-7 min)

A speech wrote using the “Rule of Three” and delivered at a Toastmasters meeting Vancouver Canada.


ATM-B Speech, Uplift the Spirit from Specialty Speeches manual (5-7 min)
“With out a vision the people perish”

There was these three little kids starting in a new school. The teacher asked these kids, who were about 8 or 9 years old to come up with a little rhyme and include their name so we could all get to know them. The next day these kids come in and the teachers asks them to share their little rhyme and then the school year would progress from there. So the first little boy stand up all embarrassed and says “Hi my name is Dan and when I get to be a man I would like to go to Japan and I think I can. Well that was kind of sweet so they gave him a round of applause and then the teachers asks the little girl to stand up and share her little story. She was a real cutie pie and a little shy so she stands up and says my name is Saddie and when I become a lady I would like to have a baby if I can and I think I can. Well that was kind of cute so they give Saddie a round of applause. Then the next little boy stands up and he didn’t have anything prepared (He had to think on his feet, kind of like table topics right) so he stands up and says my name is Stan and when I get to be a man I don’t want to be like Dan and go to Japan but I wouldn’t mind helping that little girl with her plan if I can and I think I can.

I love kids. I like how their little minds dream. They have all kinds of vision. Vision is crucial for life. Vision guides nations and organizations. Vision guides families and individuals. Vision is health. Last week we talked about health and many commented on having goals. Goals are vision. The ability to borrow from the future to act in the present.


Point 1
I have titled this talk “With out a vision the people perish”, does anybody know where this quote comes from? The wisdom literature of the old testament. Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: (KJV)

Let me further illustrate this point with a true story. From the best selling book “Mans search for Meaning”

Dr. Frankl talked about a dramatic demonstration he had with a block warden in the concentration camp, the warden had confided in Victor one day saying, “I had a dream last night, a voice told me that I could wish for something and I should only say what I wanted to know and my questions would be answered” What do you think he asked for? He asked to know when the war would be over, he wanted to know when the camp would be liberated and when the sufferings would end! He had this dream in Feb. 1945, he confided in Viktor at the beginning of March, Dr. Frankl had asked to what did the dream voice answer? The warden answered March 30th! When this man told Viktor about this dream he was still full of hope and confidence that the dream voice would be right, but as the dream date drew near war news reached the camp that it would be highly unlikely that anything would change by the dream date, by March 29th the news had not changed and he started to become very ill and ran a fever, on March 30th , the day the prophecy was to be he became delirious and lost consciousness, on March 31rst he was dead. The loss of hope had dramatically effected this mans ability to fight, his bodies ability to fight off typhus and his body became victim to the disease.

Powerful story that illustrates the effect that vision can have on our lives.


Point 2
Toast Masters International has a vision as well. With over 8500 clubs world wide TM is responsible for creating many leaders, effective communicators, and building confidence and courage in its members.

You are one of its members.
Toast Masters Vision & Mission (Show the overhead)

TM vision is: TMI empowers people to achieve their full potential and realize their dreams. Through our member clubs, people throughout the world can improve their communication and leadership skills giving them the courage to change.

1) Empowers members:
Metro speakers will empower you with a mutual, supportive, positive learning environment.
2) Achieve your full potential realize your dreams:
Metro speakers will help you to develop communication & leadership skills which foster self confidence and personal growth.
3) The courage to change:

(Quote) Peter Senge commented in the business leadership book “The Dance of Change” that “people don’t resist change they resist being changed” or as another man once said “I like to learn I just don’t like being taught”

Metro speakers will provide that mutual, supportive and positive environment for you to change. You all have experienced our friendly environment. This is your club it is your new family, where you can risk with your emotions and know that you have support.

This is Metro Speakers in the new millennium.


As the upcoming president I am committed to filling this mission & vision. I want you to feel like you are really part of something. A place where you can make friend, a group to connect in and personally develop. I want your experience in the next year or more to effect your life in a positive way. I want it to effect your relationships. I want it to affect your bank account .